I’m not really frightened of ghosts and I don’t really believe in them. I’ve watched Paranormal activity and other associated films and it all seems a bit too far fetched to me. However, I do actually think there can be a ‘presence’ and a recent rip up to The Lakes,

in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere affirmed that there could be a ghost-like presence.

In a stone cottage up in the hills in Cumbria, you are most likely going to hear things that go bump in the night so when I heard knocking noises etc, I thought nothing of it really.

It was only when I took a photo of my other half, that I saw something odd. It was almost like he had no arms and there was a shadow walking past him (plus he looks quite harrowing and my he normally is quite good looking ha ha)

I figured this was due to not using the flash correctly and the possibly of movement in my hands so I put the camera down, set it to timer, put the flash on in order to take one of the two of us and as you will see the second picture also shows shadows.

It’s very odd and I did get shivers, the rest of the photos, in the same light came out just fine, other than in that one spot!! Glad it wasn’t Halloween …. Ooooooooooo!!!!