I need to vent..

Now I’m not a branding expert, my expertise lie in PR and social media, however it does allow me to state that I know how to make people, brands and business owners look good and there is one brand who I believe have got the essentials completely wrong.

Calypso have launched a new range of drinks titled Aquajuice. Now, whilst their products are normally targeted towards the younger generation with “disneyjuice” and “juice shots” the brand’s newest drink has left me in a complete bubble of confusion.

I don’t know who’s idea it was, however the theme for this new drink is surfing. Whilst surfing is becoming extremely popular, it just doesn’t mirror the brand!

I think I’m correct in saying that in 2007, Calypso forged links with the young surfing community in the UK, don’t get me wrong, I think this is a great idea as anything supporting UK sports is welcomed in my opinion. However I don’t really get how the design of the bottle, matches the new website, nor the target audience. It reminds me of a logo used on armbands. The drink looks cheap, not very 2010, not very surferish…. in fact there is nothing is new about the design at all.

The website, which was launched with the help of Madhouse (usually VERY good at what they do) looks awkward, the colours don’t match the branding and the main body of the website is of an older surfer, which is in no way shape or form matching their support of the younger generation. I just don’t get it!

The drinks firm hopes the new design, surfing theme and games will encourage its target audience of 8 to 16-year-olds to spend more time on the site. For me, it is only when you click on the external “Surf Anywhere” site that it kinda fits. Please don’t launch this properly until you look at it again Calypso, sort the webpage out and your packaging!

Check out the link below to see why I have an issue…
